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Dear Friend,                     

St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”

On #GivingTuesday, we ask you to lovingly give a tax-deductible gift to the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education to help provide an authentic Catholic liberal education to more students—including the children, grandchildren, or other young people in your life!

We are excited to announce a special #GivingTuesday offer.

For a limited time, you will receive a free copy of Renewing Catholic Schools: How to Regain a Catholic Vision in a Secular Age when you make a tax-deductible gift to the Institute

This acclaimed, newly released book is a must-read for all Catholic educators, including parents who are the primary educators of their children. Please help us empower today’s educators by sharing the simple, yet profound, insights in this book with the people in your life.

Renewing Catholic Schools is the perfect Christmas gift for parents of school-aged children, as well as Catholic school teachers and headmasters.

Most Reverend J. Michael Miller, CSB, Archbishop of Vancouver, advises:

“This book should be in the hands of every Catholic educator in America. It explains why renewal in our schools’ Catholic identity and mission is necessary and offers many practical suggestions on how to bring about this conversion. A bright future is on the horizon for schools that dare to be authentically Catholic.”

The Institute has been honored to pass on the fruits of Catholic liberal education to school communities of students, parents, and teachers for more than 20 years. We receive no government funds and rely solely on the voluntary generosity of good people like you to continue our work. We deeply appreciate your support.

Thank you for considering helping Catholic students and families in this special way. You can make your gift here. We appreciate all you do to inspire young people with the joyful pursuit of faith, wisdom, and virtue!


Michael Van Hecke, M.Ed. 