Bl. Basil Moreau Confraternity of Teachers

 As teachers, we need prayer, and prayer perfects our teaching. Become a Member of the
Bl. Basil Moreau Confraternity and join Catholic teachers around the country strengthening
one another through prayer, and benefiting from the prayers of priests and religious offering their
prayers and sufferings for your work.


June 2020

Reading: From Christian Education by Bl. Basil Moreau


Anyone who knows young people easily recognizes the necessity of patience, which is the only thing that permits a teacher to rise above the difficulties inherent in educating youth. Patience is most necessary in directing a group of young people from very diverse backgrounds and training. Teachers often need to speak to one student, to answer another student and probably several at the same time, to help others reason out situations when they seem often to have little use for reason, to repeat many times the same thing without seeing any results, to calm those who are too lively, to move forward those who move slowly, to correct those who need correcting, to prepare others to accept responsibility-and it seems that all of this goes on at the same time. Teachers seem not to have a moment for themselves amid the activity that is constantly going on in a school.

Without the virtue of patience, teachers would have difficulty enduring the qualities that are so natural to young people: making life difficult for a teacher, refusing to follow directions, upsetting the class, promoting a bad spirit among other students, and ridiculing and making fun of teachers. Some students mock teachers’ voices and gestures; some will complain without cause to their parents, who will immediately assume that what they are being told is the truth. The many difficulties that teachers face would dishearten those who have entered teaching with real hopes of accomplishment. But teachers need to remember that they have received a call and resist such trials with all the means given to them through patience. If you know how to build patience, a calmness will come to you and peace will exist around you. Patience is the shield against which all these difficulties are blunted.

Teachers who do not know patience cannot restrain themselves, and they often show their lack of patience in harsh or imprudent words. They often carry on in all sorts of ways, even becoming violent, and in a burst of anger, as ridiculous as scandalous, will lose all control. They will even go so far as to physically abuse their students. Losing self-control lowers them in the eyes of their students. The first cause of all of that is a lack of patience. With a little more energy 
and self-control, teachers can prevent these excesses. Little by little, time will calm first prejudices, soften reactions, and lead to reasonable conclusions. Right reason always ends by triumphing over all obstacles. It is through patience that “you will possess your soul in peace.”

Meditation — Sister Benedicta Marie, OCD

We are all familiar with that famous and familiar prayer for patience: “Lord, please make me patient
 – right now!” It seemed a bit ironicthatDr. Seeley asked me to compose this meditation on patience at a moment when I was experiencing frustrations and obstacles in accomplishing the simplest and most ordinary tasks. Being an ‘online teacher’ is no part of my skills! I wasn’t too worried though. After all, my students were all part of the tech generation, right? Their facility will carry the day! If there were any other teachers out there naïve enough to think that expertise in the worlds of social media and video games would translate to quick mastery of the ‘online learning platforms’ – well, our bubbles are burst and our illusions are encrypted beyond retrieval.

Patience — Gift of the Holy Spirit? Sorry, no. Patience, a 
Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Gifts are gifts. Fruit has to be cultivated. Fruit has to be produced. As I am learning from my new gardening hobby – cultivation is work, consistency and diligence. And how to produce this fruit? The gift of Fear of the Lord will strengthen our will, our self-control to hold back that impatient response. The gift of Understanding will guide our perception, our judgment of situations and the people in them to soften our ‘conclusions’. And the gift of Fortitude will provide us with the perseverance and the confidence to continue giving, helping, educating.   



How do I respond to my temptations to impatience – and especially to my genuine failures in patience? By becoming impatient with my impatience, perhaps? Am I willing to employ that miraculous healing balm to any wound I may have inflicted in impatience – a sincere apology?


Father, Giver of every good gift, support of every virtue and inspiration of every holy desire and generous deed, send your Spirit to strengthen within us the Gifts of Fear and Understanding and Fortitude that we may labor with these tools to cultivate in our hearts the Fruit of Patience. Amen.

(Please also offer one Mass and one Rosary some time this month for the intentions of the members of the Confraternity.)


Please pray for the needs of your fellow teachers:


For the virtues of perseverance and studiousness as I begin graduate studies in philosophy of education. – Tomas

Lord Jesus, bless Annemarie, who is in the hospital, and her husband.

For inspiration, guidance, and blessings for a start-up school working with their home diocese–that the Lord will guide all parties to perfectly carry out his will.

The father of a student of one of our members has died, leaving behind a young family. We pray for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family, as well as for wisdom and peace for his teacher and the rest of the school community.

Please pray for Phil, a doctor from Denver, CO, who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Phil is the father of 7 young children.

Please pray for the family of Matthew and Terrie Walz. Matthew is a professor at the University of Dallas, and a friend of the Institute. Terrie’s father has been diagnosed with brain tumor; the CoVid crisis has made getting treatment difficult and dangerous.

For the healing and containment of the Coronavirus disease and for all those who have been affected – physically, economically, and spiritually.

Please pray for Fr. John Belmonte, SJ, Superintendent in the Diocese of Joliat, Illinois, who will soon be undergoing surgery to repair a broken shoulder.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Suzanne Fessler, long-time principal at St. Mary’s High School in Phoenix, who oversaw the transition of the high school to a focus on the development of wisdom and virtue.

For Father Frank Brawner and his health, healing, and continued strength in his ministry – Susan

For the healing of Shirley Balangue, mother of Cyril Cruz, Principal of Holy Innocents School in Long Beach, CA.

For the continued health and healing of Simon Vander Weele, son of Rosemary and Jon Vander Weele of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Classical School in Denver, CO

Pray for healing for Mr. K., Latin teacher at an ICLE member school. We ask for healing and relief from fluid buildup in the lung and cancer.

Please pray for a wonderful theology professor who is undergoing persecution for upholding Catholic teaching on sexuality – Andrew

My wife’s conversion to Catholicism – Adam

Increase in fertility, marriage, families; for grandparents; for a special spouse for a friend – Rosemary

For the Holy Spirit’s increase in the hearts of all concerned with Catholic education in the Pensacola-Tallahassee diocese, especially that He lead us into deeper prayer, greater intimacy with Him – Leslie

Souls in Purgatory especially those who have no one to pray for them; those in the Bahamas and elsewhere affected by natural disasters – Lisa

Please pray that I teach and love my students and teachers as would Christ the Teacher – Joseph & Juliana

For a new teacher in 5th grade; for our Johnsburg Catholic school to become Classical Liberal Arts; for increase in marriage, fertility, families; for young adults’ conversion and love for Jesus and His Church – Rosemary

Help making good choices about family issues – Susan

That our parish school community would grow as an evangelizing community, proclaiming, encountering and responding to the kerygmatic proclamation of Jesus Christ – Nathalie

That Catholic schools and parents be of one heart and one mind by creating their institutions and homes coherently, as “missionary outposts of the Universal Church” with one goal: that the truth of all things, beginning and ending in Jesus Christ, be known and loved through the details in everything – Ruth

For teachers everywhere – Chris