
The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education offers in-service workshops for Catholic schools that wish to improve their Catholic identity and/or deepen their understanding and practice of Catholic liberal education.

Our presenters have decades of experience in Catholic liberal education from kindergarten through college.

Our workshops (typically one or two days) are tailored to fit the needs of each school. We allow plenty of time for questions and answers and informal discussions. Talks directed to the broader community, including board members and parents, are often included. Our programs always include prayer, such as Mass, the Rosary, and the Liturgy of the Hours.

Contact us to discuss how our workshops can help your school.

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The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: Formation and Practice

Day One

An Introduction to the Catholic Classical Approach
What is the classical approach? How is it Catholic? How is it similar to and distinct from contemporary education approaches? 

Seminar: The Lost Tools of Learning
Dorothy Sayers’ essay proved to be a catalyst for the classical movement. We will examine this essay more deeply and engage in discussion about it.

The Integrated Curriculum and Primary Sources
We will take a look at the natural integration of the classical approach and how teachers can plan for and implement it. The use of primary sources in literature, history and nature studies will be examined.

Introduction to Mimetic Instruction
The principles and parts of mimetic instruction will be explored.

Trivium Excercises: The Gettysburg Address

Q & A

Day Two

The Classical Approach to Writing
Beginning with narration in the earliest years, to persuasive writing in the Logic Stage, classical writing principles will be discussed.

Introduction to Socratic Dialogue
A cornerstone of the classical approach, dialectic learning will be introduced and discussed.

Math & Nature Studies: The Gateway to Wonder & Awe
The inherent beauty of these subjects will be explored. Ways to enhance math and science instruction will be introduced.

The 7 Essential Habits of the Teacher
The primacy of the role of teacher and the teacher as life-long learner will be examined.

Read-alouds: Grimm’s Cinderella

Final Questions