by office | Jan 9, 2019 | Member School Content, Quadrivium: The Arts of Number, The Fine Arts
Imagine finding yourself at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome with someone who is simply bored with the whole thing and can’t wait to get back to the hotel to watch TV. You would no doubt be annoyed, but also disturbed that the person could be unmoved by so much beauty,...
by office | Dec 27, 2018 | Member School Content, Quadrivium: The Arts of Number, Stories of Renewal, The Fine Arts
I hadn’t heard the St. Augustine Academy school choir for some time until recently, when I was blown away by this recording from their recent Dinner Auction. So I began an investigation into what has been going on musically there, which led me to the instigator of...
by office | Jul 11, 2018 | Free Content
Passing on the Catholic faith is not limited to religion class, but involves the entire curriculum and the entire school community. A recently prepared study paper from the Vancouver Archdiocese made six recommendations to help Catholic schools in this most important...