by office | Mar 2, 2019 | Free Content
One should expect to learn a lot about a school through the quality of its valedictory addresses. What do its best students speaking at the most important event of their lives to date want to share about their experience? What made their time at school memorable? What...
by office | Feb 24, 2019 | Free Content
When the Institute offers workshops on classical education or the Catholic intellectual tradition, math teachers seem to be the hardest to reach. Religion, Literature, Art, & Music teachers quickly recognize that their subjects provide great opportunities for...
by office | Jan 9, 2019 | Member School Content, Quadrivium: The Arts of Number, The Fine Arts
Imagine finding yourself at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome with someone who is simply bored with the whole thing and can’t wait to get back to the hotel to watch TV. You would no doubt be annoyed, but also disturbed that the person could be unmoved by so much beauty,...