Our Mother
Consecration to Mary, Mother of the Church
Mary, Mother of the Church, you conceived the Lord Jesus to be the Ruler of His people and your prayer manifested His glory to His disciples and brought joy to the wedding feast. You suffered the agonies of labor at the foot of His Cross, and received the beloved disciple as your very son. You introduced the apostles to your mystical spouse, the Holy Spirit, at the birth of the Church. Throughout the centuries, you have shown the power of your motherly love for the Church; in times of great danger, you have frequently appeared to warn, inspire, strengthen, and comfort the Church, bringing forth signs and wonders to increase our faith in your Son.
Inspired by the Church’s teaching and example, we entrust the work of the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education to your motherly care. Through your prayers, example, and guidance, make us docile to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and to the guidance of the Church. May He ground all our work in humility and love. May He fill us with wisdom and form us into fit instruments for serving Catholic schools and educators. Provide the Institute with the material resources needed to fulfill God’s plan. Draw to the Institute associates on fire with the love of Christ and His Church, with a passion for the spreading Catholic wisdom about education. May all who labor on behalf of the Institute grow together in charity and friendship.
Through your prayers, may our work contribute to turning today’s crisis for Catholic education into a great opportunity for a renaissance that will bring forth fruit in time and eternity, for the glory of your Son.
October 13, 2017