Member School

St. James the Less Academy

St. James the Less Academy is the first school sponsored from its inception by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to offer a unique integrated Montessori and Catholic Classical Liberal Arts education and formation for the whole person. SJL Academy promotes authentic Catholic education rooted in truth, goodness, and beauty. It seeks to serve the parish and larger community, and partner with families to create a dynamic community grounded in faith. The school offers an environment in which children love to learn, are formed in virtue, and flourish in their God-given gifts allowing them to joyfully respond to Jesus' plan for their lives.

SJL Academy strives to respond to the needs of parents, the primary educators of their children, to assist them in providing the best return on the greatest investment they will make: the education and formation of their children. This is done through a rigorous liberal arts education with a content rich curriculum and intentional formation of students and their families, especially in instilling virtue and handing on of the beauty of the Catholic faith to the next generation.

To meet the needs of all Catholic families, SJL Academy also offers a two-day a week homeschool enrichment hybrid program.

Motto: Perseverantia perfecti: “Perfected through perseverance." derived from James 1:4: “Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete (perfect), not lacking anything” and James 1:12: "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."