Our Mission

The Sanctuary Academy seeks the restoration of the Sacred in education through a re-enchantment of learning for a Great Catholic Awakening of Faith, Hope, & Love. Our mission is three fold: 1)

About Our School

ANSWER THE CALL. ENTER THE STORY. CHANGE THE WORLD. What kind of education is fitting for a Priest, Prophet, & King? At the Sanctuary Academy, we take the reality of a child's true identity as a Priest-King very seriously. We believe each child who enters The Sanctuary Academy will grow in their true identity and find their calling that will change the world. Each child will become part of a fellowship of noble peers who are heroes on a journey within the Great Adventure of Faith, Hope, and Love. A child king must be an independent learner who finds great joy in learning in a tight-knit community that embodies kingly virtue and excellence. We are a community that models a Kingdom culture of ordered freedom, shares learning, and travels the supernatural Way of Beauty. Inspired by the very first Catholic schools, the cathedral schools of the Middle Ages like Chartres, The Sanctuary Academy is a new model of Catholic education that reimages Catholic education to what it originally was - a preparation for Priest, Prophets & Kings to enter the Great Adventure with God. Our vision is to see the restoration of the sacred in Catholic education through a re-enchantment of learning for a Great Catholic Awakening. We are a classical model in through our quests, Socratic launches, and frameworks that draw from the rich patrimony of the Catholic tradition of salvation history, culture, story, and song. We believe Wisdom is in the form of a thing. This is why the form of The Sanctuary Academy reflects the deepest Catholic anthropology revealed by Christ as a priest-king who self-governs and lives an anointed life intimately with the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. Therefore we have no "teachers" but only "Guides." We do not issue grades but seek and track toward mastery. We see failure as the price of learning, and embrace the Hero's Journey of grit, challenge, and victory. It is our view that the power & richness of Catholic education is so great that everyone would want to discover it. Welcome to The Sanctuary Academy!