About Our School

Mission The mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial (STAT) is to provide a Catholic, classical, hybrid education including both classroom and directed home learning. Vision How are we Catholic? We assist parents in raising future citizens of heaven by fostering a joyful and personal encounter with Our Savior Jesus Christ. We recognize that Truth is a Person, Jesus Christ, and all truths we teach ultimately lead us to Him. We invite students to grow to know, love, and serve God in this life and the next by studying his Word in Scripture and learning the Truths of the Catholic Faith. We encourage a deepening knowledge of the truth and beauty of the Roman Catholic church in faithfulness to the Holy Father and the Magisterium (the teaching office of the Catholic Church). We seek to immerse our students in a truly Catholic culture embracing both faith and reason as the means to observe, explore, experience, debate, and savor the wonders of God’s miraculous creation. We build a culture of Faith by: -praying together each day -participating in Holy Mass as a community monthly -celebrating the Liturgical Year -singing together in our choir each day and at Mass the enduring Catholic hymns and chant in English and Latin -sharing and teaching Catholic traditions -celebrating the Culture of Life by giving our families the opportunity to attend the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. and serving the poor in our communities -fostering religious vocations by hosting dynamic consecrated religious priests, sisters, and brothers on Vocations Visits during STAT class days -making this education affordable for families of all sizes How are we Classical? -We assist parents in providing a moral and intellectual education in virtue and wisdom -We encourage students’ joyful encounter with the true, the good, and the beautiful. -We believe that the birthright of our students is to learn their heritage as citizens of Western civilization. -We embrace the three-fold approach of the classical Trivium as we learn and grow together. STAT provides an integrated curriculum which includes Religion, math, language arts, science, history, poetry, geography, Latin, music, logic, physical education, choir, and art. We offer small class sizes (typically 12 students or less) for second through eighth grades in order to allow each student the opportunity to speak, ask questions, discuss ideas, and to form relationships with tutors, and fellow students. What do we mean by “Hybrid”? We provide a nurturing learning community which supports its members socially, academically, and spiritually. We provide two days of classroom experience with friendly camaraderie, competition, and accountability outside the home. We provide assignments via online accounts for the three days of home instruction. We offer development opportunities for tutors and parents to grow as classical educators. We support parent-led extracurricular activities: e.g. field trips, quarterly middle school social events, yearbook, First Lego League club, Girls on the Run, etc. Available activities depend upon the volunteer service of interested parents.