St. Mary's High School
Colorado Springs, Colorado
About Our School
St. Mary's High School exists to educate students in the Catholic tradition to be responsible, moral, critical thinkers and leaders who are well prepared for college and life.
Educational Philosophy
St. Mary’s High School endeavors to form students with a foundation of faith by which they are truly made free to seek truth and live joyful, fulfilled lives in becoming who God made them to be. Informed by reason and virtue, we joyfully witness to all that is good, beautiful, and true in the world and reflect the light of Christ in our day. We encourage our students to contemplate the big questions like "Who Am I?" and "Why Am I Here?" so as to foster a personal encounter with Christ that expands for a lifetime.
The definition of key terms in our mission statement clarifies the founding principles and core beliefs of our school.
St. Mary’s exists to:
"educate students in the Catholic tradition"
"educate students to be responsible and moral"
"educate students to be critical thinkers and leaders"
"educate students to be well prepared for college"
"educate students to be well prepared for life"