Our Mission

In partnership with parents and our parish community, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School encourages everyone to learn and live a faithful Christ-centered life through our Catholic tradition, while providing and environment striving for excellence.

About Our School

St. John the Evangelist is a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Toledo and our mission is to lead the people of our community to Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:15). As the largest ministry of St. John the Evangelist Parish, our Catholic School is an important and wonderful way of advancing that mission and bringing the children and teenagers of our community to an encounter with Jesus. Striving for academic excellence, our students are seekers of truth. The truths of history and the sciences, the truths of the arts and the humanities—all integrated into a pursuit of the Truth that comes from God. Encountering the Word made flesh, our students find the fullness of Truth in the person of Jesus Christ, the One who called himself The Truth. Our school serves the needs not only of the mind, but also of the heart, teaching not only facts but a whole way of living. In the hallways or in the church, on the field or on the court, in works of mercy and in their lives at home, our students seek to learn a way of living rooted in love of God and neighbor and encompassing the whole human person. They do this by learning from the One who called himself The Way. Our school seeks to prepare students for life after graduation. We recognize that we are preparing the future leaders of our community, the future leaders of our Church, and the future leaders of families. Recognizing that we were made for Heaven, our school also prepares students for Eternal Life. Indeed, St. John Paul II reminds us that “the ultimate goal of all Catholic education is salvation in Jesus Christ.” Our students succeed in this life and in the life to come because they know the One who called himself The Life. Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children. St. John the Evangelist Catholic School takes seriously our responsibility to partner with parents in the education of their children. MISSION STATEMENT In partnership with parents and our parish community, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School encourages everyone to learn and live a faithful Christ-centered life through our Catholic tradition, while providing and environment striving for excellence.