About Our School

Mission Saint Paul Catholic Classical School accompanies parents on their journey as primary educators to unlock the wonders of God's creation through a comprehensive, faith-based, classical education. In communion with the Catholic Church, we foster awareness of each child's dignity as created in the image and likeness of God. We strive to form the whole person, which enables each child to seek truth, goodness and beauty in all things and to grow and live as an instrument of God's love. Vision The vision of Saint Paul Catholic Classical School is the enlightening of students to the truth, beauty, and goodness - the Transcendental goods - through a classical education that instills in them the desire to live a virtuous life leading to a deeper relationship and destiny with God. Root Beliefs 1. God in all things 2. We are made in the image and likeness of God 3. Learning is sacred 4. We are instruments of God’s love 5. God’s truth sets us free to grow in faith, wisdom and virtue Based on these beliefs, the following core values were established as actions to live out the root beliefs and will further guide the school faculty and leadership. Core Values 1. Pray 2. Love 3. Wonder 4. Serve 5. Seek