Our Mission

In the process of revision.

About Our School

Known as the “Saints”, Saint Mary School was founded by our late pastor, Reverend Monsignor Robert T. Bulman. In July of 1952. Groundbreaking ceremonies took place for the original eight classroom school, and upon its completion in June of 1953, the school was dedicated by the Most Reverend George W. Ahr, Bishop of Trenton. The school officially opened in September of 1953 and was staffed by the Sisters of Saint Francis of Christian Charity and Penance and three lay teachers. Under the direction of our first principal Mother Euphemia Nash, Saint Mary School accepted two hundred eighty-five students in grades one through six that year. "Watching young people grow into adults is very gratifying indeed. Many of our students have grown into doctors, lawyers, accountants and educators, as well as priests and nuns. I like to think the education they received here was a stepping stone for their success. – The Reverend Monsignor Robert T. Bulman