Our Mission

MISSION Coeur du Christ is a Private, Classical Academy in the Catholic tradition. We are committed to forming the next generation of Saints, Scholars and Servants with Christ at the heart of everything. We uphold the transcendentals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty and honor parents as the primary educators. Heaven is our mission. CLASSICAL LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION ”Classical education is a conscious return to the ancient goal of education: teaching children to think and learn for themselves by imparting to them the tools of learning. It is an approach to education that is rooted in the ancient medieval concept of the Trivium. The Trivium is comprised of three basic tools of learning: Grammar (the tool of knowledge), Logic (the tool of reasoning) and Rhetoric (the tool of communication and expression).” Focusing the educational method during each stage of maturation to align with these tools, the Trivium best develops “a knowledgeable, thinking, and articulate student” (What is Classical Education?, JPG Trivium Chart, Friends of Education). A classical education is not void of the positive discoveries or technologies of the times but it does recognize that the human person is made in the image and likeness of God, with a mind, body and soul in need of a developmentally appropriate and holistic approach to education. Coeur du Christ has prayerfully chosen this path of education (and has chosen to limit certain technologies) while recognizing the value in other approaches.

About Our School

Coeur du Christ Academy is a classical, private school in the Catholic tradition, founded by families seeking to answer the post-Christian culture with a rigorous, integrated education in a joyful environment. These families have answered the call of the Second Vatican Council and embraced their vocation as primary educators in order to found a robust, Christ-centered high school. The fruitful hope is that Coeur du Christ will serve not only their own children but all who seek truth, goodness and beauty. At Coeur du Christ we strive for greatness while recognizing that "A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying." We serve students and their families by promising to teach according to the Holy Catholic Church’s teachings and by helping them grow in their faith. Our prayer is that by God's grace we will form the next generation of Saints, Scholars and Servant Leaders to impact the world and bear much fruit for Jesus Christ and His Church.