About Our School

Mission Guided by the Gospel, we partner with diverse families, to form students in the Classical tradition, so they may grow in wisdom and virtue to use their gifts in the service of others, and for the glory of Christ and His Catholic Church. Guiados por el Evangelio, nos asociamos con diversas familias, para formar estudiantes en la tradición clásica, para que pueden crecer en sabiduría y virtud para usar sus dones al servicio de los demás, y para la gloria de Cristo y Su Iglesia Católica. Vision "The mission of Catholic education in the schools of the Diocese of Fort Worth is to open the doors, so that our students can see further than the walls that otherwise would enclose them in darkness. What does seeping deep into eternity really look like? It involves being able to recognize, to appropriate, and to cherish the eternal and transcendental goods of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.  These three transcendental goods depend upon each other within the envelope of eternity" Most Rev. Michael F. Olson Bishop of Fort Worth Philosophy All Saints Catholic School, in partnership with parents, is focused on the continuous formation of the whole Christian person. Our classical dual language curriculum strives to maintain high academic standards and nurture the development of a lifelong love of learning.  Within a welcoming, Christ-centered environment, students are made aware of their role as members of the Christian community through the teaching of Catholic doctrine, participation in liturgy and worship, preparation for the sacraments and involvement in service projects. Members of our school community are encouraged to live as Disciples of Christ, serving all people by sharing the gifts and talents received from God. Through our dual language immersion program, we prepare students to succeed in a culturally diverse society respecting the dignity of others equipping students with the life skills necessary to seek out opportunities and embrace everyday challenges.