Website Ville de Marie Academy Scottsdale, Arizona

School Office Manage

Responsible for the organization and coordination of school office operations, procedures, and resources to facilitate organizational effectiveness and efficiency. The successful candidate will have a cheerful attitude, work well with others and effectively prioritize and execute tasks including maintaining student records, student intake, general bookkeeping, facility management, calendar management, communication with families and staff on all relevant events and procedures. Prior experience preferred. Salary commensurate with experience.

About Ville de Marie Academy

Founded in 1991, we are a private independent Catholic academy providing students in grades K-12 with a truly outstanding education in classical, Catholic liberal arts in an environment that is conducive to the formation of the whole person. Our purpose is to cultivate wisdom and virtue by nourishing the souls of our students in all that is true, beautiful and good, so that in Christ the student is better able to attain the noble end for which he was created – to know, love, and glorify God both now and forever. All faculty are required to sign an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium and Profession of Faith to the Catholic Church. Our faculty and students attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass daily.




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