Website St. Vincent de Paul School Seward, Nebraska
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School is in Seward, NE and has an opening for principal beginning June 2025. We are in a community that has a strong Public School, and our school was established 23 years ago, and lately has suffered. I am strongly considering adopting Traditional Catholic Education. I believe that our Christocentric approach to education has drifted some and I am looking for a leader that will help restore that foundation. I am considering this change not because the school is struggling, but because I know the truth that God must be the center of education. I desire to help children know God and remain in His love to the end of their days, or until the coming of the Day of Christ Jesus. I desire to help children to reason, wonder, discover and seek truth and rejoice in beauty. I need help, since my knowledge of Traditional Catholic Education is good enough to get me into trouble. If you are interested in having a conversation about our parish, community and school, and then would like to apply for the position, please contact me at, msgr.robert-tucker@cdolinc.net.
Msgr. Tucker
To apply for this job email your details to msgr.robert-tucker@cdolinc.net