Website St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School Ann Arbor, Michigan

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School is seeking a choral teacher that can form students in the tradition of Catholic sacred choral music and direct an upper-school schola. This role is an integral part of the broader classical Catholic approach of the school, which seeks to immerse students in the ideas and beauty of the Western Tradition.

Qualified candidates are asked to please submit the Diocese of Lansing online application and attach a Letter of Introduction & Interest and Resume.

Contact:  Mr. Michael Sauter, 


Understand and uphold the Catholic Faith as it has been handed on, being a role model of Christian love, faith, and virtue. Relate to students by loving them with the love of Christ, encouraging them to develop their own relationship with God, and challenging them to love others as Christ does.
Manage the class by setting clear expectations of behavior, establishing routines, promoting self-discipline based on Catholic principles, and implementing the school discipline policy in the classroom.
Communicate clearly and regularly to parents about the well-being of their children.
Lead students to an appreciation of all that is good, true, and beautiful in sacred music by teaching and directing students in a challenging, joyful, and age-appropriate manner. Plan and monitor that the assigned scope and sequence of instruction for each grade is taught to the students.
Demonstrate expertise in choral conducting and a familiarity with Gregorian chant, sacred polyphony, and other significant strands of the sacred music tradition, as well as the role of this tradition in the liturgy. Be able to communicate the basic principles and history of sacred music.
Be available and able to organize and direct choral concerts and/or sacred music at Mass, as determined in conversation with the headmaster.
Be committed to continually develop teaching skills, knowledge of the Western Tradition, and a love of that Tradition through reading, discussion, collaboration with other teachers, mentoring from the headmaster, and communication with the larger classical school movement.
Serve as an advocate for St. Thomas School and Classical Education by assisting in advancing classical Catholic education among the faculty and parent community.
Evaluate each student’s progress on a regular basis and report progress to the student, parents, and headmaster, responding expediently to parent, student, or administrator inquiries. Partner with parents in supporting the academic, social, emotional, and spiritual growth of the students.
Assure a classroom environment that is well-ordered and maintained and academically stimulating,


Exemplify and articulate a life of faith in Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.
Be passionate about integrating the Catholic Faith with all aspects of academic and school life.
Agree with the classical Catholic educational philosophy of St. Thomas School, demonstrate initiative in improving classical educational methods, and possess a desire to develop intellectually and spiritually.
Possess a Bachelor’s Degree in relevant subject-area knowledge, preferably from a liberal arts college grounded in the Western Tradition.
Teaching certificate welcomed but not required; teaching experience preferred but not required.

To apply for this job please visit