Music Teacher

St. Joseph Catholic School has an opening for qualified music teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. The position would be a key contribution to the school culture as we build the foundation of a full orchestral program. The middle school will begin with grade 6 next...

Teaching Assistant

St. Joseph Catholic School in Enid, Oklahoma has an immediate opening for a qualified, part-time early learning teaching assistant for the current school year.  This is an immediate hiring that may lead to a full time contract next year.  This teacher will be required...

Middle School Teacher

As we are opening a middle school due a growing and vibrant faith community, St. Joseph Catholic School has openings for qualified, full-time middle school teachers for the 2023-2024 school year.  Since there are two potential openings, the position would require some...

Elementary School Teacher

St. Joseph Catholic School has an opening for a qualified, full-time elementary teacher for the 2023-2024 school year.  This teacher will be required to maintain a set schedule, collaborate well with colleagues, report to the principal, communicate effectively to...

Kindergarten Teacher

St. John the Evangelist Catholic School is seeking a kindergarten teacher to begin during the 2023-2024 school year.  Early onboarding and training during Spring 2023 may be an option.  Extensive training and mentoring will be provided as needed.  Bachelor’s...