Founding Head of School

Founding Head of School St. Mary’s Academy in St. Albans, Vermont, seeks a dynamic leader to help guide us through our opening year (2024-25).  We are a private, independent classical liberal arts school in the Catholic tradition with an expected opening enrollment of...


Start-up Classical Catholic School affiliated with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, Vermont and the St. Albans-based parish of Immaculate Conception seeks a principal familiar with the Classical model to help guide us into our first year of operation. Our...

Middle / High School Math and Science

Saint Michael School seeks a full time (1.0) upper school teacher to join our  Catholic classical liberal arts program starting in the 2023-24 academic year.  Our well-established pre-K through 6th grades  feed the grades 7-12  Catholic classical liberal arts program....

Grammar School Teacher

Saint Michael School seeks a full time (1.0) lower school teacher to join our  Catholic classical liberal arts program starting in the 2023-24 academic year.  Our well-established pre-K through 6th grades  feed the grades 7-12  Catholic classical liberal arts program....

MS Math & Science Teacher

St. Michael Catholic School is seeking an experienced math and science teacher to meet the needs of its growing middle school. SMCS administers a rigorous, integrated program of Catholic classical liberal arts. We strongly prefer to hire candidates who have had a...