Theology Teacher

The High School of Saint Thomas More is seeking a Theology teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. Ideal candidates are authentic, compassionate, mission driven, and passionate and proficient in the area of Sacred Scripture to teach an introductory course and in the...

Math Teacher

The High School of Saint Thomas More is seeking an Algebra II teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. Ideal candidates are authentic, compassionate, mission driven, and passionate and able to also teach Honors Algebra II and Business Math. A teacher at The High School...

Chemistry Teacher

The High School of Saint Thomas More is seeking a Sophomore level Chemistry teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. Ideal candidates are authentic, compassionate, mission driven, and passionate and able to also teach Advanced Placement Chemistry. A teacher at The High...

Biology Teacher

The High School of Saint Thomas More is seeking a Junior level Biology teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. Ideal candidates are authentic, compassionate, mission driven, and passionate and able to also teach Advanced Placement Biology and possibly Anatomy &...

Assistant Principal/Dean of Students

The Assistant Principal/Dean of Students works closely with the Principal to ensure a safe academic environment for all students and staff. The Dean of Students forms positive relationships with students giving praise as well as addressing student concerns in the...