Upper School Teacher

Holy Innocents School in Long Beach, CA, is seeking candidates for a full-time position teaching in our Upper School which serves grades 6-12. Holy Innocents is a parish school deeply committed to authentic Catholic education rooted in the classical liberal arts...


Saint Mark School is a thriving elementary school, with an enrollment of 250 students. It has an open Principal position per July 1, 2022. This parochial school is currently not a Classic Liberal Arts School, but the Pastor of the Parish wants to explore possibilities...
Grade 3 Teacher

Grade 3 Teacher

St. Augustine Academy in Ventura-Santa Paula, CA has an upcoming opening for a full-time  classroom teacher for Grade 3 for the 2022-23 school year. St. Augustine Academy is an independent Catholic school recognized by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and has a strong...

Chesterton Academy of St. James Headmaster

To whom you will report: Board of Directors Chesterton Academy of Saint James seeks a vigorous, effective leader to serve as its inaugural Headmaster starting in Fall 2022. The Headmaster job starts full-time on June 1, 2022. Part-time work will be requested before...

Science Teacher 4-8

We are seeking applicants for the position of Science Teacher. To apply, please contact Saint Eugene’s Cathedral School 707-545-7252. Or Principal Jeffrey directly at 707-782-8490, email:  jeffreys@steugenesch.org Praised be the Holy Name of...