by office | Dec 27, 2018 | Member School Content, Quadrivium: The Arts of Number, Stories of Renewal, The Fine Arts
I hadn’t heard the St. Augustine Academy school choir for some time until recently, when I was blown away by this recording from their recent Dinner Auction. So I began an investigation into what has been going on musically there, which led me to the instigator of...
by office | Dec 20, 2018 | Archives, Member School Content, Reading Room
The first thing one notices about St. Thomas More Academy is the joyful atmosphere. This is not an institution, but a community. From the fire pit, to the chicken coop and organic garden, and especially to the beautiful chapel now under renovation, there is a sense of...
by Andrew Seeley | Nov 5, 2018 | Member School Content, Stories of Renewal
Century-old diocesan high school renews its mission by focusing on Catholic identity and liberal arts curriculum. Under the leadership of President-Rector Rev. Robert Bolding, Saint Mary’s Catholic High School has transformed its culture over the course of eight years...
by Andrew Seeley | Oct 31, 2018 | Archives, Member School Content
May 2017 For some teachers, 10th grade is a dreaded age in the classroom. But not if you’re teaching rhetoric. There’s just something about teaching the art of persuasion to sophomores—those “wise fools”—that brings the adjective of that epithet to the forefront:...
by office | Jul 25, 2018 | Archives, Member School Content, Reading Room
In the cultural wasteland of the ’70s, where peace and love had degenerated into sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, precious few lights beckoned to youth who met license, pornography, and drugs everywhere. Yet Providence did not wholly abandon us. From time to time, I...
by office | Jul 25, 2018 | In Practice, Member School Content, Theology
What are we doing? In today’s confusing, demanding world, Catholic educators must frequently ask this question of themselves. Standards, tests, mandates, accreditation, programs, parents, students, board members, pull us this way and that all the time. But what is our...