Become a Member

School Memberships

$250 annually

Member schools receive discounts on Institute programs and events, access to the complete conference audio collections, and are free to use the ICLE name and logo on promotional materials.

Through the application process, we wish to ensure that your school shares the Institute’s vision of Catholic education.  Towards that end, we ask you to review the Institute’s Vision and Mission statements, and our explanation of Catholic liberal education.  If your school identifies itself as classical, please also review our description of classical education.

When you are ready, please complete the following membership application form.  Supporting documents should allow us to understand your view of Catholic education, how you promote your school, and your curricular approaches. These do not have to be submitted with the application form, though we will need them before the application can be considered complete.  We would also like to see a list of your officers, board members, and advisers.

We ask that you include a $50 non-refundable application fee (you may use our Support the Institute page for this), which will be applied to the first year’s membership subscription upon successful review.

Individual Memberships

$50 annually

Individual members receive discounts on Institute programs and events, access to the complete conference audio collections, first access to webinar and other program registrations, and exclusive access to the ICLE lesson-sharing initiative.