Members Webinar Library

Title: Jesus Time Part II*: Praying with Sacred Scripture
Presenter: Marie Kelly, Faculty
Talk Description: “In the sacred books, the Father who is in heaven meets his children with great love and speaks to them.” – Dei Verbum 1

Imagine having time set aside in your daily routine where your students can encounter God through His word in a deep and meaningful way, growing their personal relationship with Christ. In “Jesus Time II: Praying with Sacred Scripture” we will address practical strategies for the classroom to help our students foster a personal relationship with Jesus, specifically through the practice of Lectio Divina, a beautiful method for praying with the Scriptures that can help any person from 3 to 103 to better know God through His word.


*Part I is available to Premier members only.

Title: Religious Freedom Institute’s (RFI) Crisis & Security Toolkits

Nathaniel Hurd, Director for North America and Senior Fellow for Public Policy at RFI
Nathan Berkeley, Communications Director and Research Coordinator at RFI
Ian Speir, Lead Co-Author of the RFI Crisis Toolkit’s “Governance” Module and Founder, Covenant Law
John Wyman, Lead Co-Author of the RFI Security Toolkit for Religious Institutions and former FBI Special Agent

Talk Description: The RFI Crisis Toolkit offers practical guidance to help Catholic schools and other religious institutions prepare for, mitigate, and respond to crises while remaining faithful to their core convictions, identity, and mission. It covers institutional governance, communications, and community relationships. The RFI Security Toolkit provides a roadmap to help Catholic schools and other religious institutions improve the security of their facilities and the safety of those who gather or work there. Both toolkits are available to download for free.

Questions for RFI? Contact Nathaniel Hurd at

Title: The Steady Helmsman: Counseling Students and their Emotions
Presenter: Peter Crawford, ICLE Dean of Academics
Talk Description: A liberal arts education forms the whole person, including their emotions and moral character. What are the practical steps we need to take to foster excellent student behavior? How can we coach students to be their best selves and become more emotionally athletic? What role do educators play in holding students accountable? What are the anthropological foundations upon which a liberal arts moral formation is based? These and other themes will be addressed in “The Steady Helmsman: Counseling Students and their Emotions.”

Title: Scribe & Sage: The Catholic School Librarian
Presenter: Erick Allen, ICLE Faculty
Talk Description: The Catholic School Librarian is the guardian and dispenser of a great portion of the words, images, and ideas that populate the intellects and imaginations of our students. In this webinar, we will consider the implications of this privilege and responsibility. While the primary focus of this webinar is on the Catholic School Librarian, the principles we discuss apply to anyone who reads books or provides books for children, whether at school or in the home.


Title: Rhetoric or Reality
Presenter: Dr. Alyssan Barnes, ICLE Director of Credential Program, Faculty